久久久久久蜜桃一区二区 欧洲美女大胆潮喷 精品少妇熟女ⅤⅤ免费久久久免费 超碰五月天亚洲论坛


boric acid

Boric acid

CAS number: 10043-35-3;11113-50-1

Quality standards: 99.6%

Pack: 25kg/bag

Land: domestic


The Chinese name boric acid

Orthoboric acid

Chinese alias boric acid (condenser grade);Boric acid (pharmaceutical grade);Boric acid, 5 n.Boric acid is

CAS RN 10043-35-3;11113-50-1

EINECS no. 233-139-2;234-343-4

Subtype H3BO3

The amount is 61.833

Materialized white powder of white powder or the scale of the tridiagonal axis.It's greasy and it's not smelly.Soluble in water, alcohol, glycerin, ether and essential oil. 

It is used in glass, enamel, ceramics, medicine, metallurgy, leather, dyes, pesticides, fertilizer, textiles and other industries

@ 2016 ShangHaiYaYu Biomedical co.,ltd TEL:021-54370211、54370255、54370355 FAX:021-54370255

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