久久久久久蜜桃一区二区 欧洲美女大胆潮喷 精品少妇熟女ⅤⅤ免费久久久免费 超碰五月天亚洲论坛




The English name of triethylamine

Structural formula (C2H5) 3 n

Molecular formula C6H15N

Materialized colorless or pale yellow transparent liquid with strong ammonia odor.Soluble in ethanol and ether, soluble in water.The solution is very basic.Relative density (d2020) 0.7275.Melting point - 114.7 ℃.Boiling point 88.8 ℃.Flash point - 11 ℃.The index of refraction (nD20) 1.4010.Flammable.Smoke in the air,

Use in organic synthesis industry as solvent, catalyst and raw materials.

@ 2016 ShangHaiYaYu Biomedical co.,ltd TEL:021-54370211、54370255、54370355 FAX:021-54370255

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