久久久久久蜜桃一区二区 欧洲美女大胆潮喷 精品少妇熟女ⅤⅤ免费久久久免费 超碰五月天亚洲论坛


Ethyl Alcohol

Chinese name: ethanol;alcohol

English name: ethyl alcohol;ethanol

C AS: 64-17-5 quality standard: > 99.8% packing: 160kg/pail

Molecular formula: C2H6O

Ethanol is the structure of the short form for CH3CH2OH, commonly known as alcohol, it is in normal temperature and pressure is a flammable, volatile, colorless transparent liquid, its aqueous solution has a special, pleasant fragrance, and slightly irritating.Ethanol is widely used to make acetic acid, drink, essence, dye, fuel and so on.Medical treatment is also commonly used for 70% - 75% ethanol.

@ 2016 ShangHaiYaYu Biomedical co.,ltd TEL:021-54370211、54370255、54370355 FAX:021-54370255

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